Empowerment is a word used by many people in different contexts but what does it actually mean? How would you describe it? The USAID Okard team met on 17 February 2022 to explore and learn more about the concept of empowerment, its elements and application for supporting people with disabilities as part of a Gender and Inclusive Development training.
Empowerment is a process of becoming stronger and more confident especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights, and to sustain this. By improving the status of people they acquire the power to act freely, exercise their rights, and fulfill their potential as full and equal members of society. While empowerment often comes from within with individuals empowering themselves, cultures, societies, and institutions can create conditions that facilitate the possibilities for empowerment.
USAID Okard staff reflected on this definition and explored how they can work with people with disabilities to help build self esteem and confidence and their personal capacity to cope with challenges, speak out about themselves, and advocate for their needs within a supportive network of family, friends and community.
“I never knew that the term empowerment is so powerful and driven to an individual. Sometimes I feel down and forget who I am or what is the drive that I have to live day by day and this training helped me understand how to internally reflect, as well as consider persons with disabilities and identify what actions we can take to help them feel empowered.” – USAID Okard participant.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., improves access to quality healthcare and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policies.