A teacher gives a UXO safety lesson at Vang Vieng Primary School during a teacher training session. September 2015.
World Education has regional expertise within the formal education sector as well as a history of developing capacity in nonformal and informal education programs, including adult education, vocational training, out-of-school youth and prevention of unsafe migration. Current projects in Laos include unexploded ordnance (UXO) education and awareness with the Laos government primary and secondary schools, women’s entrepreneurship and business skills development, and capacity building in early grade reading.
In the disability and health sectors, World Education has provided scholarships and trainings for health professionals to study rehabilitation, mental health services, and physical, occupational, and speech therapy and for teachers to study sign language and inclusive education. Past projects have also supported education costs for UXO survivors and their family members to attend school.
Learn more about World Education Laos’ education projects:
- Comprehensive Mine Risk Education
- Women’s Entrepreneurial Center
- Capacity Building for Early Grade Reading
- TEAM— Training, Economic Empowerment, Assistive Technology, and Medical and Physical Rehabilitation (2014-2017)
- Victims Assistance Support Team (2014-2017)