War Victims Medical Fund Impact

Explosions of unexploded ordnance (UXO) cause serious injuries, and landmine or UXO accident survivors in Laos find themselves struggling to pay the steep costs of medical care. Complicated surgeries, hospital stays, and follow-up care are expensive and can send the family into a downward economic spiral.

When a UXO accident occurs, hospital staff members treat the patient and then contact World Education for reimbursement. This serves to ensure that treatment is administered in a timely manner, without having to go through the hassle of determining whether a family has the funds to pay. This infographic maps out the process taken once an accident occurs.

The War Victims Medical Fund is co-managed by World Education and Departments of Health in seven provinces. Since 1996, the War Victims Medical Fund has provided over $150,000 in medical support to almost 800 UXO Victims.

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