Meet Khammouane!
Khammouane is the Deputy Project Manager for World Education’s Resilient Livelihoods for the Poor project, which enables 400 of the poorest households in Lao Ngam District, Saravane Province to have sustainable livelihoods that last beyond the project. Each household in the project cohort receives a productive asset (for example, livestock) and comprehensive support through fortnightly household visits, training sessions, and asset support grants to help them plan towards their future.
In 2007, Khammouane received a Bachelor’s degree in English from Mahachulalongkhorerajavidy
However, Khammouane wanted to support his family, so he began working for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) as an English translator in Lungnamtha Province. After one year, he continued translation work for the Service Fraternal d’Entraide (SFE) in Sekong Province.
In August 2013, Khammouane began working in microfinance for GIZ in Lao Ngam District, Saravane Province, and he really enjoyed it. As a monk, Khammouane was taught that we should help people who may not have the resources or the privileges to help themselves, and he loved how these values directly corresponded to international development work. Thus, when Khammouane finished his contract with GIZ after two years, he began working for World Education’s Resilient Livelihoods for the Poor project in October 2015.
Khammouane’s favorite part of his job is working with his staff to support the poorest households in Lao Ngam District in developing sustainable livelihoods; he believes it is a wonderful opportunity to support others and give back to the community. He is proud of his staff, who all work together to produce amazing results.
In the future, Khammouane would like to continue working in livelihood support as a Project Manager. He would like to work in Pakse District, Champasak Province, so he can be with his wife and two-year-old son. We wish you all the best, Khammouane, and we thank you for all of your hard work!