Income Generation Activities Refresher Training in Xieng Khouang Province May 31 to June 2, 2022.
From May 31 to June 2, 2022. USAID Okard together with the National Committee for Disabled People and the Elderly (NCDE) from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
conducted a refresher training on Income Generating Activities (IGA) for the Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Facilitators. The training utilitized inputs gained from a lesson learning workshop conducted earlier this quarter where the CBID team took time to pause and reflect on methodology, process, and tools to adapt and improve for the upcoming round of IGA implementation.
The CBID Facilitators had in-depth discussions with the Economic Empowerment Specialist about the assessment of business capacity/ideas and environmental risks, vocational training, Household and Personal Financial Management (HPFM) training, supporting the development/revision of business plans and other topics related to IGA. At the end of the training, the CBID team stated that they were well equipped and ready to start the second IGA round to support persons with disabilities in their target areas.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity and Inclusion improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policy.