USAID Okard Sub-Recipients 3rd Coordination Meeting
On 27 May 22, USAID Okard Sub-Recipients 3rd Coordination Meeting was conducted. This meeting was a safe space where all sub-recipients from the National Committee for Disabled People and the Elderly (NCDE) from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation (DHR) and the Center for Medical Rehabilitation (CMR) from the Ministry of Health (MoH), Humanity and Inclusion (HI), the Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise (COPE), the Quality of Life Association (QLA), the Association for Rural Mobilization and Improvement (ARMI), the Disability Mainstreaming Advisory Service (DMAS) and the Association for Autism (AfA) to share their activity progress, events, issues or concerns in regards to the USAID Okard activities.
Foremost, it was an opportunity for all partners to pause and reflect on the USAID Okard implementation through the lens of each USAID Okard sub-recipient. This included achievements, challenges, areas for improvement, and to facilitate the exchange of views and ideas aimed at learning and improving the planning and implementation of USAID Okard and the professional development of all.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity and Inclusion improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policy.