Evidence-based practice is the foundation of rehabilitation to optimize the patient’s outcomes.
Rehabilitation professionals from the Center for Medical Rehabilitation (CMR) in Vientiane, participated and co-facilitated the training on measurement of functioning with support from USAID Okard. Improving persons’ functioning means the success of rehabilitation services This training is part of the USAID Okard support to the CMR to implement the National Rehabilitation Strategy 2018-25 and to align rehabilitation practices in Laos to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative.
The monitoring and on site coaching has been planned to make sure that this activity has been smoothly started. This important data will also help CMR monitor the effectiveness of rehabilitation services and to advocate for increasing its financing.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity and Inclusion improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policy.
C.C: U.S. Embassy Vientiane, ສູນຂ່າວສານການແພດສຸຂະສຶກສາ Centre of Information and Education for Health