“This is my first bank account, it is an easier process than I thought. Now, I could put my money in a safer space and yet the CBID team also trains me how to save up and when I am in need of using money then I will have it with my savings bank account.” – Ms. Saythong, 24, Phatharng Village, person with difficulties in seeing and USAID Okard beneficiary.
On 23 August 2022, the USAID Okard Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Facilitators from the Quality of Life Association (QLA), together with the District Labor and Social Welfare Officers conducted a Household and Personalized Financial Management training for 23 people. This training is part of our Income Generation Activities (IGA) strategy to support people with developing small business ventures to increase their household income. Financial Management is an important skill for developing a profitable and sustainable business, as well as enabling the communities we work with to build more resilience to catastrophic events that force out of pocket expenses or the sale of valuable assets. The day culminated with each person opening a bank account to manage their income.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity & Inclusion improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policy.