From 2-5 August 2022, the USAID Okard Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Facilitators from the Quality of Life Association (QLA), together with provincial and district technical staff from the Agriculture and Forestry and Labour and Social Welfare, teachers from Integrated Technical Vocational College and village vet volunteers in Xieng Khouang, attended a Veterinary Workshop in Phonsavanh, Xieng Khouang Province. The workshop was part of a series of technical activities led by consultants to improve project services for Livestock/Veterinary and as a result enhance animal raising productivity and business outcomes.
The workshop purpose was to present technical findings collected from desk review and field work, provide initial set of recommendations to related stakeholders and brainstorm with participants the ways and means to implement the recommendations. During the workshop, participants from PAFO and DAFO reviewed the existing training materials, selection criteria of vet volunteers as well as key technical recommendations. The last day of the workshop was mainly used for implementing sample coaching section for village vet workers (VVW) and beneficiaries. VVW and beneficiaries took part in real time practice on administering animal vaccinations, how to identify a suitable area to establish a pig pen, and how to properly take good care of the animals including feeding.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity & Inclusion improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities, and supports design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policy.